Friday, October 30, 2009

Quarterbacking Fundamental Problems and corrections

When you are working with a young quarterback every minor detail matters. You want to make sure the know the skills to playing the position and how to correct their mistakes. Here is a list of problems your qb might be having and how to correct them:
  • Fumbled snaps- usually mean their hands are seperating. Have them use their bottom hand to apply pressure this will keep the hands connected.
  • Slow off the line- check to see if they are using a false step on the drop back. Try having the qb get under the center pigeon toed. I was taught this technique in college and it helped my drops tremendously.
  • Throwing low- this usually indicates not having a flat front foot or locking out the front knee. Have the front foot land flat by going heel to toe.
  • Throwing High- This could mean throwing elbow dropped, front shoulder tilted up, or back shoulder is tilted down. Keep shoulders level and slightly drop your front shoulder this should help this problem.
  • Throwing behind reciever- means you are stepping at or behind the reciever. You want to point where the receiver is going because you now have a moving target.
Bringing these key points to your players will help them come game time because they will know and feel why mistakes are being made. This will make it where they began to correct themselves and this will make a more productive quarterback.